Why Your Business Should Take Advantage of SMS Marketing

Did you know that 98% of text messages that businesses send out to contacts are read within just 3 minutes? Text messaging is incredibly powerful and if your business is not taking advantage of SMS marketing, then you are missing out on the opportunity to increase sales, expand your customer base, increase the conversion rate, your revenue and profit, grow your business, and take it to the next level. If you’re not convinced, you can always try a world-class SMS marketing service like Textedly free of charge for 14 days. This free trial comes with one custom keyword, 50 messages, and free incoming text messages.
When looking for the best SMS marketing service out there, you should take into consideration several key factors such as ease of use, flexibility when it comes to both creating customized SMS marketing campaigns and choosing the plan that best works for your organization, consistently superior performance, as well as full control over your text message marketing campaigns. With a top-rated cloud-based text message marketing service like Textedly, you will benefit from a user-friendly dashboard, a suite of contact management and SMS & MMS engagement tools, superb analytics that include performance metrics, custom keywords, the possibility to schedule your campaigns via Textedly’s calendar, free incoming text messages, automated replies, and many more.
SMS marketing is generally more cost-effective than email marketing and when you choose the popular and trusted SMS marketing service Textedly, you get to select the right pricing plan for your business. For instance, if you need to send only 50,000 text messages per month to your contacts, then you should choose the Gold Plan which is $700 per month and also includes 15 custom keywords plus incoming text messages that are free of charge. In addition to multiple plans and even a custom plan, Textedly allows you to send text messages that are more than 300 characters long, whereas with other services you can only send messages up to 160 characters long.
If you want to see for yourself how the #1 SMS marketing service in the world can help your business grow in as little as 14 days, be sure to take advantage of Textedly’s 14-day free trial. You can either text JOIN to 33222 or go to textedly. com to start sending bulk SMS and MMS messages to your contacts right away. You have absolutely nothing to lose because Textedly doesn’t require any credit card information to sign up for this free trial, and even better, you don’t have to download any software.…